Regulation - Ultrabiking Sardinia 790

UltraBiking Sardinia
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edition 2024
Last updated 01/01/2024


Art. 1 - Presentation UltraBiking Sardinia 790
UltraBiking Sardinia 790, shortened to follow UBS 790, is a non-stop Ultracycling Event that will take place in unsupported bikepacking mode (without assistance) with a length of approximately 790km, a total elevation of 14000 meters and a time limit of 60 hours. All those registered for the Event unreservedly accept these Regulations in all their articles.  
The organizing committee, hereinafter abbreviated O.C, reserves the right to modify this regulation at any time in order to improve the safety aspects of the Event. The changes will be presented during the pre-Event briefing.

1.1 - Nature of the Event
UBS 790 wants to decline the discipline of ultradistance in an original way combining the challenge with themselves in achieving a highly challenging goal (distance and elevation require a very high level of preparation), the adventure (represented by the wild territory of Sardinia) and 100% unsupported mode. UBS 790 is therefore to be considered as a personal challenge against time, not against the other participants, and for this reason there are no prizes or rankings and the reward, represented by the medal of finisher, will be the priceless satisfaction of having made it.

1.2 – Membership
UBS 790 is an Event reserved exclusively for Ultrabiking Sardinia Asd members.
Those who are not members of the aforementioned sports association will become members at the time of registration to the Event. The C.O. may at any time and at its sole discretion decides whether or not to accept the registration or excludes a member from the Event in case it may cause damage to the image of the same.

Art. 2 – Partecipation requirements
All persons (women and men) of any nationality who meet the following requirements are admitted to UBS790:
  • have reached the age of 18 at the time of registration;
  • hold a valid Health Certificate for cardiovascular intensive sport activity (cycling races/events) model E - UCI;
  • for foreign athletes: be in possession of aliability insurance plus accident insurance for medical expenses, accident, repatriation, invalidity or death;
  • submit sports curriculum/motivational statements.

Art. 3 – Skills required
3.1 Excellent physical condition
UBS 790 is an Event of endurance that requires excellent physical preparation. The participant must be able to pedal in complete unsupported mode over very long distances, tackling both day and night a path characterized by a challenging altitude difference. The average daily distance can be quantified in 320 km to be repeated for a total of 2 and a half days (60h).

3.2 Excellent autonomy capabilities
In order to face an Event such as UBS 790, the participant must be fully aware of the extreme length and difficulty of the Event and for this reason he must have acquired, before the race takes place, a real capacity for personal autonomy that allows him to manage, without external aid, the problems that distinguish this type of Event.
In particular, the participant must:
  • be able to face extreme climatic conditions, which can be very difficult or even dangerous, such as heat, wind, cold, fog, rain, storms etc.;
  • be able to manage, even alone, physical and mental problems resulting from fatigue, digestive problems, muscle or joint pain, injuries etc.;
  • be able to repair, on his own, any technical problems that may occur on a bicycle;
  • be able to orient themselves through the management of the track loaded on your personal navigator;
  • be able to take in food and water according to the needs of the body.

Art. 4 – Health certificate
4.1 Health certificate Italian athletes
Members of Italian nationality must be in possession of a medical certificate for competitive cycling activity as prescribed by the DM 24/04/2013, valid annually, issued after 01.01.2024 to be sent only in PDF format.

4.2 Health certificate Foreigners athletes
Foreign members must be in possession of a medical certificate for the practice of competitive cycling activity issued by a Medical Sports Center stating the absence of contraindications for participation in an Event of endurance and intense commitment cardiovascular system such as UBS790, issued after 01.01.2024. The certificate, to be sent in PDF format, must be completed in English using exclusively model E prepared by UCI (download form);

4.3 Operating indications medical certification
If the medical certificate sent is not compliant, it will be refused and cancelled and the member will have to submit a new one by 10.09.2024. Those who do not comply with this requirement will not be considered regularly registered and will not be entitled to a refund of the registration fee. Each participant must declare according to D.P.R. n. 445 of 28 December 2000 that the documents submitted by him are true and correspond to the original in his possession.

Art. 5 - Insurance Foreigners athletes
Foreigners participants must submit a personal civil Liability insurance and an accident insurance for cases related to medical expenses, accident, repatriation, disability and death.
This insurance must have a minimum validity from 10 October to 14 October 2024, be operating on Italian territory and has, for liability coverage, a minimum ceiling of € 1,000,000.

Art. 6 - Sports curriculum and motivational aspects
During the registration process, you will be request to include your sports curriculum and the personal motivations that drive you to tackle UBS790. The curriculum can include any endurance experience (marathon, trail running, triathlon, ultracycling) or experiences related to cycle trips or particularly demanding workouts. The lack of previous endurance experiences does NOT necessarily preclude participation in UBS790: the sports curriculum and motivational statements allow us to know the degree of motivation/experience of the participants and allow us to provide them with suggestions on methods of preparation for this great adventure. Each application will be examined by the C.O. which reserves the right to exclude any profiles deemed unfit for participation in UBS790 by proceeding with the refund of the fee paid. The opinion expressed by the C.O. is final.

Art. 7 - Registration
7.1 How to register
UltraBiking Sardinia 790 is an Event reserved for Ultra Biking Sardinia Asd members: those who are not members will become members at the time of registration. The membership activates the insurance coverage MSPItalia. The registration must be made through the dedicated page of the website following the indications described therein. Payment must be made by bank transfer. It is possible to register even if you do not have all the required documents: in this case the registration must be STRICTLY completed by and no later than 10/09/24 presenting ALL the documents (medical certificate, insurance/only for foreign athletes).
Participants in the COUPLE category must fill out two forms (one for each athlete) but only one person must make the payment indicating in the causal name of the members of the couple.
The maximum number of participants admitted is 70: for organizational reasons, registrations will close when the maximum number is reached and any case no later than 31/08/2024.
It is only allowed to use traditional bicycles with muscle propulsion.

7.2 Documents to be submitted
Registration must be completed no later than 10/09/24 by sending ALL the documents requested by mail; failure to submit the documentation, by the date indicated, determines the cancellation of the registration and the loss of the fee paid.

Documents Italian athletes:
  • Medical certificate as prescribed by DM 24/04/2013, scanned in pdf;
  • disclaimer of liability form;
  • Tracker guarantee module;
  • Personal data, photo, video form.

Documents Foreigners athletes:
  • Certified medical agonistic exclusively in english language only model E of the UCI, scanned pdf;
  • Liability/Accident insurance valid from 10/10/24 to 14/10/24;
  • disclaimer of liability form;
  • Tracker guarantee module;
  • Personal data, photo, video form.

Note - all forms must be submitted scanned in pdf format: forms that do not meet this requirement will be rejected.

7.3 Categories e costs
SOLO and COUPLE categories are allowed in unsupported bikepacking mode:

SOLO unsupported   
€ 240,00 payment completed between 27/01/24 and 13/02/24
€ 290,00 payment completed between 14/02/24 and 31/08/24
PAIR unsupported
€ 430,00 payment completed between 27/01/24 and 13/02/24
€ 520,00 payment completed between 14/02/24 and 31/08/24

7.4 Cancellations and refunds
Once you have registered with the payment, the registration fee paid will not be refunded for any reason. Cancellations are not accepted: by submitting a written request by email to the C.O. the athlete may request to transfer the registration fee to the next edition (this opportunity is valid only once and the communication for moving must take place no later than 10/09/24).
The Event will take place under all weather conditions. In case of suspension due to alerts/ weather or due to emergencies ordered by bodies not dependent on the organization, the registration fees will not be refunded but will remain valid for the following year.

Art. 8 – Departure and time limit
The UBS 790 will depart from Alghero on Friday 11 October at 06.00. The time limit for the completion of the Event is 60 hours. All services on arrival will be guaranteed until 08.00 pm on Sunday 13 October. In case of a participant abandons the challange, he will be considered DNF (did not finish). In case of a participant fails to complete the challange within the time limit, it will be considered OMT (out maximum time).
Note: for the Couple category, if one member withdraws, the other member can continue the sport event and he will be able to receive the finisher medal.

Art. 9 - Drafting
The basic rule, fundamental, of ultracycling is simple: DRAFTING IS FORBIDDEN!!
It is not allowed, for any reason, drafting or to proceed alongside another participant on the flat as uphill. The minimum distance between one ultracycler and another is 100 meters. The ultracycler that is overtaken must necessarily slow down and let itself slip up to the distance indicated. Otherwise the participants in pairs can / must stay in the wake. All participants must travel to the right of the white line whenever possible.

Art. 10 - Unsupported mode (without external assistance)
Any kind of support is forbidden: each participant must be completely autonomous in carrying out the Event. Unsupported mode is defined as the ability to be self-sufficient during the entire duration of the sport event both for the food aspects and for those inherent to the transport of equipment (clothing / spare parts). The unsupported mode requires the ability to be able to manage all the problems that may occur during the Event such as adverse weather conditions, injuries, management of physical and mental problems, geographical orientation difficulties.
The unsupported mode requires compliance with the following mandatory rules:
  • the participant must always have all the mandatory equipment with him for the entire duration of the Event (see safety kit art. 14). This equipment, which must be carried in its own bikepacking bags, will be checked at the start and cannot be changed during the Event. At any time, the O.C. will be able to check the bikepacking bags and verify their contents. The participant is obliged to undergo these routine checks, under penalty of exclusion from the Event;
  • it is not allowed any kind of accompaniment or assistance along the route and it is strictly forbidden the presence of cars that provide support to the participant through the transport of food and equipment necessary to complete the route. It is also forbidden to meet family members along the way: any meeting with supporters and family members can only take place within the Time Station in which no support of any kind is allowed but only the greeting to the athletes;
  • the participant can buy food (solid and liquid) and equipment from any commercial facilities (shops, restaurants, bars) that he physically encounters along the way.
  • the participant can sleep in accommodation facilities (hotels, B&B, campsites, etc.), even previously booked, or he can be hosted by local people he met during the Event or he can organize a bivouac.

Art. 11 - Track and navigation

All subscribers will receive by email the final gpx track of the route 15 days before departure. Participants must upload the official track on their personal GPS device and, during the Event, must follow the entire route without making any cuts.
If the ultracycler, during the Event, had to get out of the track (by mistake, to feed, to sleep, to solve mechanical problems) he will have to re-enter from the exact point where the off-track occurred always cycling. In the event that, along the way, an unforeseen event occurs (work in progress, accident, festivals, emergencies related to adverse weather conditions) that prevents the continuation on the official track the participant must inform the C.O. by telephone that authorizes an alternative route. If the ultracycler is not able to communicate with the C.O. due to problems such as lack of telephone network or line occupied the same may consider an alternative, which will be examined by the C.O. as soon as possible.

Art. 12 - Tracker GPS
The GPS tracker, mandatory, will be delivered few minutes before starting: there is a deposit of € 100.00 which will be returned at the end of the Event. The device has the purpose of recording the entire route and allowing you to follow the participants adventure on the dedicated portal. In case of non-tracking, the O.C. may decide at any time, subject to a previous warning, the disqualification of the participant from the Event.

Art. 13 - Safety
UBS 790 takes place on paved roads and the entire route will always be open to traffic: for this reason, compliance with the Highway Code is mandatory in all circumstances.
Participants acknowledge that the route is not signposted, that they travel at their own risk and that they must be considered as a free personal excursion with no more rights than other road users.
The use of a protective helmet is mandatory. In any situation of poor visibility (tunnel, fog) and during night time (from 18.30 to 07.30) the bicycle must be equipped as per Highway Code and the ultracycler must wear high visibility clothing (reflective vests or straps). Participants are also aware that, along the route, there is no service of health care, food and mechanics provided by the organizers; there is also no service of recovery of withdrawals. The C.O. recalls that in case of extreme fatigue the participant will have to stop and rest. C.O. reserves the right to monitor the fatigue status of the participant and to impose a parking obligation. The duration of the stop will be decided by the C.O.

Art. 14 – Mandatory safety kit
To participate in the UBS 790, each participant is required to have the following safety equipment with them for the duration of their adventure in order to be able to handle emergency situations.
  • Personal GPS with track of the route;
  • TRACKER GPS locator provided by the organization;
  • reflective vest to be worn at night time (from 06.30 pm to 07.30 am) or in case of poor visibility;
  • approved helmet to always wear;
  • n1 front white light;
  • n2 rear red light (n1 on the bike + n1 replacement light);
  • n1 front light on helmet;
  • auxiliary battery or power bank for mobile phone and for personal GPS charging and lights (minimum 15000 mAh);
  • reflective stickers on each side of the wheels;
  • jacket rain resistent;
  • warm protection (leg and arm warmers);
  • winter underwear;
  • winter gloves;
  • survival blanket;
  • cell phone;
  • cables for mobile phone and power bank charging;
  • bicycle pump;
  • inner tube repair kit (patch + glue + tire remover);
  • 2x inner tube;
  • 2x 750 ml bidons;
  • identity card or passport;
  • Cash 50 euros;                                          

  • anti-inflammatory tablets;
  • anti-rubbing cream;
  • sunscreen;
  • credit card;
  • transparent lens sunglasses for night time;
  • cleaning wipes.        

The O.C. during the pre- Event operations will carry out a careful check of the safety kit: the athlete with his signature acknowledges that all the checks have been carried out rigorously and undertakes to always have all the material with him.
The O.C. requires each athlete to have their mobile phone always in a good state of charge, both to be able to receive communications and for personal safety reasons.

Art. 15 - Time Station
15.1 Rules
There are two Time Station respectively in Cala Gonone at km 270, in Lu Bagnu at km 555.
It is mandatory to stop at the Time Station to sign the "athletes passage" register and have the UBS 790 Brevet Card stamped by the members of the organization.

15.2 Cut Off times
We have planned two cut-off points: the ultracyclers must pass through the checkpoints within the following times in order to continue the race.

T.S. 1 Cala Gonone within + 19h from the departure
T.S. 2 Lu Bagnu within + 42h of departure

Failure to transit will result in exclusion from the race cataloged as OMT (out of time limit).
NOTE: The locations of the check points and time of cut off will be confirmed 15 days before the start of the Event.

Art. 16 - Withdrawl
In the event that the participant decides to withdraw from the Event, he must promptly notify the O.C. by phone ++393472227513. There is no recovery service for those withdrawn who are personally responsible for organizing their return to Alghero. Once returned, it is mandatory to return the GPS tracker.

Art. 17 – Event package, finisher medal and certificate
During registration all participants will receive an Event package UBS790 while those who finish the ride within the maximum time of 60h will receive the Finisher medal, the Finisher certificate and a cold Ichnusa beer to drink together to celebrate the crowning of a great adventure!! At the end of the Event will be communicated the official times of each Finisher; also the names of the Finishers will be published on the dedicated page on the official website of the Event.

Art. 18 - Respect
Respect yourself by evaluating your own psycho-physical resources, respect the other participants by following the rules with honesty, respect Nature leaving no trace of your passage, respect all the people of the UBS790 crew who make possible the realization of your Dream!! Respect is a fundamental element of our Event and should be a value for every participant: UBS 790 is not a traditional Event but a challenge for the betterment of your person. It represents a great adventure, a journey during which there are no opponents but simply personal limits to explore! We believe it ... we are sure that all participants will marry our philosophy.

Art. 19 - Penalties e disqualification
Since the length of the route makes it impossible to constantly check compliance with the regulations at all times, it is clearthat the correct conduct of the Event is based on the principle of honesty and self-discipline of the individual participants.
During the entire duration of the Event, the vehicles of the O.C. will be present on the route, day and night, who will verify the behavior of the participants by sanctioning any infringement committed to articles of these Regulations with penalty or disqualification.
The penalty can be issued following:
  • drafting;
  • Front or rear light missed during night time or in poor visibility;
  • Not using reflective vest during night time or in poor visibility;
  • Participant number not visible;
  • Failure to comply with the Highway Code;
  • Navigation error riding out of official route for a short stretch of road.
1st penalty: 30 minutes increase in the time count

Violations of the following rules will result in immediate disqualification:
  • Proven external assistance;
  • Absence of mandatory safety kit as per Art. 14;
  • Off course;
  • Refusal to allow the control of bikepacking bags;
  • Refusal to obey the Organizer’s instructions;
  • Time Station missed;
  • Consumption of alcohol by the cyclist;
  • Possession of doping substances;
  • Refusal to make a sleep stop ordered by the members of the C.O responsible for controlling the Event;
  • Harassment and insults to other cyclists;
  • Behaviours that put the Event in a bad light;
  • The issue of two penalties.
The C.O. reserves the right not to accept the entry of the athlete disqualified in subsequent editions.

Art.20 Responsibility and acceptance risks
UBS 790 members participate in the Event on their own responsibility and at their own risk. During the registration phase each participant must sign and hand in the form "knowledge and acceptance of risks – disclaimer liability Event" that indemnifies the C.O. and all the support staff from any legal claim.
With the signature of the above-mentioned form and with the acceptance of the Regulations, therefore, the participant, having declared "to have read and understood" all the specifications set out in it, waives any recourse against the ASD. organizer.
The C.O. is not responsible for any type of accident that may affect participants equally for the damage or loss of material thereof. No contractual or non-contractual liability can be attributed to the Organizer for property and non-material damages suffered by participants or caused by third parties during the Event.

The participant, as well as his heirs and/or successors in title, therefore raise Ultrabiking Sardinia Asd and his collaborators, as well as their heirs and/or successors, from all liability for injury, death and/or any patrimonial and non-material damage (also caused by third parties) should derive to his person on occasion and because of the activity carried out.

The participant therefore accepts without reservation and irrevocably - as a result of his registration - all risks of the Event, including but not limited to:
  • the risk of a road accident;
  • the risk of injury in the event of a fall;
  • the risk of muscle or joint injury;
  • the risk of trauma and fractures including head fracture;
  • the risk of digestive disorders, dehydration;
  • the risk of physical aggression;
  • the risk of robbery;
  • the risk of animal attacks;
  • the risk of disease.

All this can lead to total or partial disability, temporary or permanent or death.
The acceptance of this article is an essential element for participation in UltraBiking Sardinia 790 and for the validation by the Organizer of the participant’s registration.

Art.21 Treatment of personal data and use of images
Participation in the Event involves the processing of the personal data of the participants for the purposes and in the manner described in the Organizer's Privacy Policy. The data controller is the organizer UltraBiking Sardinia Asd. By registering for Event, the participant confirms that he has carefully read the Organizer's Privacy Policy. The methods of carrying out the Event provide for the creation of video-photographic footage in order to document the Event. The video-photographic footage will affect all participants indifferently and can be published and made available on the platform on the UltraBiking Sardinia website and social pages. The participant acknowledges and accepts that, in consideration of the public nature of the Event, the object of the dissemination and marketing services of the video-photographic recordings of the Event as well as the impossibility of selectively limiting the video-photographic recordings, to register and to participate in the UBS790 Event, it is necessary to authorize the filming and use of one's image in the manner and for the purposes indicated in these Regulations, as well as in the Disclaimer and in the Privacy Notice.

Art.22 Processing and registration of personal data
The processing and registration of personal data will be carried out by the following company:
UltraBiking Sardinia Asd 07041 Alghero (SS), Italia C.F. 92170290909 8
The personal data of all participants will be processed and recorded in accordance with the provisions of the consolidated text on privacy no. 196 of 30/06/2003 and the European Union Privacy Regulation 2017/679 (GDPR / 18).

Art.23 – Final declaration
Each participant by registering with UBS 790
  • to have read, understood and approved this regulation published on the official website and to accept all its parts;
  • to have carefully read the description of the Event on the official website, to have analyzed the elevation and to have understood that UBS790 Event is an individual test of endurance with a high psychophysical commitment;
  • to be fully aware of the risks for their personal safety that the condition of total self-sufficiency (modality without external support) can reserve for participants;
  • to be fully aware of the risks that can be caused by night driving, physical and mental fatigue, the possible presence of animals on the route, any adverse weather conditions, possible orientation problems as well as potential illnesses and injuries;
  • to be fully aware of the possibility of facing extreme and hostile climatic conditions (storms, rain, heat, wind, cold), particularly in the mountain sectors, and that own safety depends solely on own personal ability to adapt to the problems encountered;
  • to be fully aware and to assume the risk of the possibility of finding myself injured and / or incapacitated in a place where it may not be possible to activate medical assistance in a timely manner to avoid physical damage, even fatal;
  • to have carefully assessed, before proceeding with the registration, to possess psycho-physical skills and a wealth of experience that allow me to take part in an endurance Event characterized by the modality without support;
  • to be aware that unexpected events may occur along the route such as: landslides, wind, rain, hail, lightning, fog, snow, ice, landslides, encounters with unattended and / or wild animals, falls, accidental collisions with other participants, with people in transit and/or with vehicles;
  • to be aware that the route is not signposted, that everyone travels at your own risk and that everyone must consider himself on a free personal excursion without any more rights than other users of the road;
  • to be aware that, along the way, there is no health, food and mechanical assistance service from the Organization;
  • to have gained experience in cycling training in unsupported mode (without support);
  • to have experience in GPS navigation;
  • to be in possession of all the necessary material (emergency kit) to participate in this Event;
  • to have checked the condition of own bike through a complete overhaul of the vehicle with particular reference to the braking system;
  • to be aware of my obligation to comply with the local Traffic Regulation, in particular by paying attention to the equipment dedicated to lighting;
  • that I am aware of my obligation to wear a rigid and duly approved protective helmet, during and for the entire duration of the Challange;
  • to have undergone a medical examination for competitive cycling;
  • to have presented to the O.C. a certificate of fitness for the practice of competitive cycling issued by a Sports Medicine Center pursuant to Ministerial Decree 18/02/1982 and / or Ministerial Decree 26/04/2013;
  • pursuant to D.P.R. No. 445 of 28 December 2000 that the documents submitted by myself are true and correspond to the originals in my possession;
  • not to use doping, drugs or medicinal substances that could alter performance or create dangerous situations for oneself or for others;
  • to be fully aware that the Organiser's role is never to assist me or to manage my difficulties even in the event of technical, physical or mental problems;
  • to be aware that there is no recovery service for retired people, nor are there any obligations on the part of the organizers to search for participants on the route;
  • to relieve Ultrabiking Sardinia Asd and its collaborators, as well as their heirs and/or claimants, from any liability for injury, death and/or any patrimonial and non-pecuniary damage (also caused by third parties), should derive to his person on occasion and because of the activity carried out.
  • to be aware that the organizing ASD Ultrabiking Sardinia is not a professional organizing body, but it acts only for recreational purposes and not for financial purposes (1174 Civil Code) and that therefore participation in the Ultrabiking Sardinia 790 cycling Event always takes place for free choice and for playful purposes, in any case not for financial purposes. It therefore follows that A.S.D. The aforementioned organizer is free from, and in any case indemnified, from any liability related to the Ultrabiking Sardinia 790 cycling excursion. It is also indemnified from any liability regarding eventualities that occurred to the cyclist such as: accidents, loss of the route, physical problems, theft etc. It therefore follows that the Ultrabiking Sardinia 790 cycling Event is intended as a mere spontaneous and independent meeting and participation of cyclists and amateurs on free and personal excursion.
  • to renounce taking any legal action for any reason against UltraBiking Sardinia Asd, recognizing that it is a non-professional association that acts for recreational purposes without requirements pursuant to Article 1174 of the Civil Code;
  • to grant the organizers the widest consent to the use, in the manner permitted by law, including for profit, of any video or photographic image taken during the days of the Event, providing the organization with the power to transfer such images to third parties. The above authorization to use the its image must be deemed to be of indefinite duration and without territorial limits throughout the world, for use in various publications and films, including but not limited to: promotional and/or advertising materials made on all media. The organization may also assign to third parties and its institutional and commercial partners the rights of use provided for in this agreement.
  • to authorize the use of your personal data, including for commercial purposes, as required by the privacy law 196 of 30/06/2003 and by the European Union Privacy Regulation 2017/679 (GDPR / 18).
©2023 copyright by Ultrabiking Sardinia
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Ultrabiking Sardinia Asd
infoline 3472227513

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infoline 3472227513

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